In this meeting, the development process of the province's comprehensive investment atlas project and the preparation of the package of investment opportunities, review and policies of the 13th government in line with the development of domestic and foreign investment with maximum facilitation of relevant administrative processes were emphasized by the Honorable Deputy Minister. Dr. Mukhlis Al-Aimeh, while expressing the top ranks of the province in the last two years in investment and business indicators, pointed out the basic strategy of the province to become the hub of road, rail, airport trade and the development of the sea-oriented economy from the coast of Makran.
Also, Molla Ismaili, Director General of Economic Affairs and Finance and Vice President of the Provincial Investment Services Center, by presenting a comprehensive report on the state of foreign investment in the province, pointed out the doubling of foreign investment attracted and used in the 13th government and stated that with the leadership of the honorable governor and in A complete coordination of very good medium and short-term measures in the field of attracting domestic and foreign investment is on the agenda of the province's investment service center.